Tuesday, June 10, 2008

their HEALTHY!

Well we took the boys for their 6 month check up yesterday. The docs say everything is great. They are both very healthy. We are so greatful, considering the start they had. They are up to 13# 10 ounces (Gavin), and 10# 13 ounces (Ty-Austin). I guess the last time they were weighed they were a little off on their weights. They had Ty at 10.5 and Gavin at 14.5. But these are the new ones. The docs also took a look at the lymph nodes on the back of the head (they have been swelled for a while) and said they might have swelled with a little cold and sometimes they stayed swelled for years. So not to worry, because they are very healthy. However even with it being the second doc to tell us that, it doesn't set me at ease. I guess its the mommies job to worry! No other new news though.

On to the other kids, they are great. They are enjoying the heck out of the heat because they get to go out play in the water like everyday. They also get some of these organic fruit Popsicles I make. yesterday they had one after lunch and one after dinner. They love them. Well the pregnancy is still going well. Nothing new, I go at the end of the month to validate my claims its a girl. But we will see. Well I guess thats it for now. TTYL!

1 comment:

jackie said...

Hey Glad to Hear from you!!! Glad you are all doing so well!
we are good here keeping eye on gas prices thou. Great pic's
Aunt Jackie Uncle Stev