Wednesday, June 25, 2008

another day!

Well another day has gone by.. Well a couple since I wrote last. We are getting everything ready for my cousin, aunt and our friend to come up and see us and the babies. Lots of fun... The babies are doing well. They are both on the verge of crawling... It will be interesting to see who does it first. They also are both trying to sit up. They are growing up so fast. The oldest two are doing good also. Still getting Dade ready for school. He learns quickly... Nevaeh sits back and listens but I think she is secretly learning too. Shhhh don't tell anyone. LOL! They love books. Both of them will get their books and sit down and "read" them. It is so enlightening to watch them. I love all four of them, soon to be 5.
Well we are into week 19 of this pregnancy and so far everything is still good. Finding out it was a boy was, well, I was hoping it was a girl. But now I am kinda happy its a boy. We are more prepared for a boy. So I guess in a way it was a prayer answered. weird how those things work out. We are all happy and can't wait for him to be there. We have to figure on a name though. We have a few picked out. But not so sure. We are running out of ideas. So anyone with ideas great, email us! We love old names or unique names. Well I guess thats it for now.

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