Sunday, June 29, 2008


Everything is going good. My days have actually been kinda boring if that possible with 4 kids. The kids are good.. They are all getting very big. Each one of them are different even though I see similarities. Like take for lunch... Their lunches are very different.
The red plate is sissy's. NO MEAT! Dades- NO VEGGIES! I hide them... shhhhh he doesn't know... Even the twins, Ty like veggies, fruit, and cereals. Gavin likes meats, and veggies. Thats just one diffrence. It is amazing. I love all the different personalities though!

All of them are doing well though. Ty and Gavin both are trying to sit up and are pretty close to crawling! They are growing up so fast! Dade is still getting ready for school. Nevaeh, well she is being her princess self still.

As for the pregnancy everything is great. I am 20 weeks this week. YAY! Half way through! I can't wait to hold our new baby boy! I know Will feels the same too!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

another day!

Well another day has gone by.. Well a couple since I wrote last. We are getting everything ready for my cousin, aunt and our friend to come up and see us and the babies. Lots of fun... The babies are doing well. They are both on the verge of crawling... It will be interesting to see who does it first. They also are both trying to sit up. They are growing up so fast. The oldest two are doing good also. Still getting Dade ready for school. He learns quickly... Nevaeh sits back and listens but I think she is secretly learning too. Shhhh don't tell anyone. LOL! They love books. Both of them will get their books and sit down and "read" them. It is so enlightening to watch them. I love all four of them, soon to be 5.
Well we are into week 19 of this pregnancy and so far everything is still good. Finding out it was a boy was, well, I was hoping it was a girl. But now I am kinda happy its a boy. We are more prepared for a boy. So I guess in a way it was a prayer answered. weird how those things work out. We are all happy and can't wait for him to be there. We have to figure on a name though. We have a few picked out. But not so sure. We are running out of ideas. So anyone with ideas great, email us! We love old names or unique names. Well I guess thats it for now.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Its a Boy!

So we went to the doctors today for our sonogram...

Yep, its confirmed, God has a Good sense of humor. I am having another boy! But you know he is healthy, so thats all that matters. Me and sissy are just really out numbered. Dade went in to the room with me and when he heard her say it was a boy, he pointed down at his hoo hoo dilly and said "he has one of those?" I told him yes and he was so excited. So Dade and Will are very excited. So everthing looks good... I am happy! My sister in law went today too, and she is having a boy! Two more boys in the family!

Well for everything else, everyone is healthy. Everyone is doing good. Will actually starts EFMB training this week on top of working, School, and PT! Which also means he will be leaving for two weeks or so in September. So we will see how that plays out. I will keep you guys updated. I get my cousin for a year next month! I can't wait... I am so excited. My aunt, Brandie and Ashley are all driving up on the 7th so the will be here soon. YAY! I can't wait. Well that it for now.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Fathers Day!

We had a great Fathers Day. We grilled out with some friends and the kids got to play in the water. For the most part the weather was great! It was a nice relaxing day for all of us.

For a little update.. The kids are well. We finished the process of getting Dade enrolled in school this morning, so its official. Nevaeh, well what else can I say about our perfect little princess... Shes a brat! But we love her. The boys are still doing well. Still trying to crawl. They get around. They are so adorable though! I say it will be in the month. Pregnancy is still going well. I can't complain for sure. I find out Monday what we are having, or like I keep saying, verify its a girl! I will post and let you know! Can't wait, we are all so anxious.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Sitting up!

Well Gavin started sitting up this week! He does it every once in awhile. He gets excited when he does...


Gavin Micheal

Both of them looking

Nevaeh! She was watching the big boys play football!
We went to the park yesterday with our friends for a picnic, I got some of the kids... Dade stayed gone playing everytime I had the camera out... But I will get some pics of him... He is not safe from the camera!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

their HEALTHY!

Well we took the boys for their 6 month check up yesterday. The docs say everything is great. They are both very healthy. We are so greatful, considering the start they had. They are up to 13# 10 ounces (Gavin), and 10# 13 ounces (Ty-Austin). I guess the last time they were weighed they were a little off on their weights. They had Ty at 10.5 and Gavin at 14.5. But these are the new ones. The docs also took a look at the lymph nodes on the back of the head (they have been swelled for a while) and said they might have swelled with a little cold and sometimes they stayed swelled for years. So not to worry, because they are very healthy. However even with it being the second doc to tell us that, it doesn't set me at ease. I guess its the mommies job to worry! No other new news though.

On to the other kids, they are great. They are enjoying the heck out of the heat because they get to go out play in the water like everyday. They also get some of these organic fruit Popsicles I make. yesterday they had one after lunch and one after dinner. They love them. Well the pregnancy is still going well. Nothing new, I go at the end of the month to validate my claims its a girl. But we will see. Well I guess thats it for now. TTYL!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

a little update...

I am 17 weeks this week.
Everything is still going well. The pregnancy is still going good. Can't complain! Will has been working really hard between work and school. He works very hard to provide for us, this I love him for! He is a amazing husband and even more amazing Father.

Dade starts school in August (we are excited and heartbroken) so we are trying to get him ready for that. He is so smart. I think he will do very well!

Our little princess is still in her princess mode. She is talking so much it's CRAZY! She is growing up so fast! Everyone warned me that would happen! LOL!

And our boys, they are still healthy, and they go for their 6 month (wow 6 months already) check ups on Monday, so I will have new weights for everybody. So other then teething(they still haven't actually gotten any) they are doing well. They are also growing like weeds. They are getting so playful and so much fun! We love all four of our kids and will love number 5 (wow parents of 5) the same! God has blessed our lives so richly!