Friday, September 30, 2011

HIspanic Festival...

I love living in a place that we are surrounded by history and different cultures.  It helps us to teach our kids about both...  Every year we atttend the hispanic festival and the Native American Festival...  My kids LOVE both!  I love that about my kids, they are so interested in so many different things!  Cultures being one of them!  Here are the pics we got of the Hispanic festival,
Dade, playing it cool, sitting back relaxing and drinking his bottle of water!

My kids love this stuff, I don't make it up!

Look at him tearing it up!

Best friends right there!

Gavin had no clue!

Ty tried to go rob everyone of their candy at the pinata.

All the kids up there getting their share!

Hahaha, needless to say, 3/4 of that candy ended up in the trash!

They are getting so big!

Treking back up the hill!  Man that thing seems steep when pushing 60-some pounds in a double stroller...  LOL!

A bunch of us standing around watching the dancers

The professional dancers that were hired.

He looks so little here...

Such best friends!  This picture was def caught off guard!!!

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