Monday, September 19, 2011

Broken and Old all in one month!

So May marked William's 31st birthday...  I have to make fun of him while I can because I am right behind him!  LOL!  Here are the shots from his birthday... {don't worry there isn't many}

Yes, it was a really LARGE pan of frosted brownies!!!  He is such a fat kid at heart!

Then later on in the month, well exactly a week, we had this huge storm and our basement flooded, so Will and Jason were trying to bucket the water out, and Will's boot slipped, and CRACK!  He broke his ankle really good.  I guess it's true he can't just break it, he has to go all out...  He had what the Doc called a perfect jump fracture...  Here's the pics!
 After surgery

 Before surgery

 This is after surgery... after I think 2 weeks in a cast...  I don't remember it is all a distant memory now...

But I can say he is up and walking, and healed pretty well if you ask me!  He actually obeyed the Doc and his wife about staying on the couch too, EVEN though I know it was hard for him to do.  I give it another month and he will be jogging small distances!  He's a trooper thats for sure!

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