Friday, September 7, 2012

The worth of many

Have you ever stopped to discover your own worth?  I am not talking about what you are worth, as in monetary wise, I am talking about the spiritual riches.   Most people already know this, but I am a Mormon.  Yes LDS Mormon.  I LOVE IT, and wouldn't have it any other way for my family.

The other day I was working on my young womens values in the Personal Progress book.  I decided to do it, since I didn't when I was a teen.  One of the personal progress values are Individual worth.  So as I lay there pondering this the other night, I realize I, LIKE many mothers, do not give myself the credit for half of what I do.  To me, it is my job, nothing more.  My sister in law bought me this book a few years ago that was titled "Just a mom", I finally sat down and read this book.  It is where a young woman finally figured out her individual worth.  This again was another AH-HA moment for me, because this book was me all over.  I have always been the mom that watched all my friends from highschool go on and graduate from college and get married years after I did, and most of them are just now having babies.  When people would describe the things that they have done, I was always like, "Yep, I am just a mom".  Recently though, I realize I am FAR more!  I am not just a mom.  I am:
A wife and best friend to my husband, and a mother to 6 beautiful children, a story book reader, and nurturer, and nurse to the sick, and magical healer!  I am taxi to some, and shoufer to others.  I am the guardian, and safe keeper.  I am the piggy bank for some, and ATM for others!  I am so many more things that come with motherhood as well.  Yes, I am good at motherhood, I have to say it is my BEST accomplishment.  Besides motherhood, I have a ton of talents, to name a few : scrapbooking, cooking, baking, sewing, hair, and organizing (even though you can't tell it by my house right now).  I have a love with anything cupcakes, and pinterest.  I love reading, although I don't have much time to do so.  I serve in the young womens at church as the Young Womens 1st counselor.  I am a full time student, and have already accomplished graduating with my Associates in Psychology.  I also have one successful business, which I own, and run!  I am a devoted Army wife, and I run the FRG (Family Readiness Group) here at West Point for our unit.  All the things that I have accomplished, I no longer look at myself and say I am just a mom!  Because I know now, that I am FAR more (but being a mom is my favorite)!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Our Veggies!

Look what we picked today!

Ok, so that's not enough green beans for anything but a salad, but they were tasty!  :) 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sharing this just because.

Saw this today and thought I would share.

Joseph B. Wirthlin: Gratitude is a mark of a noble soul and a refined character. We like to be around those who are grateful. They tend to brighten all around them. They make others feel better about themselves. They tend to be more humble, more joyful, more likable.

Thomas S. Monson: Gracias, danke, merci whatever language is spoken, 'thank you' frequently expressed will cheer your spirit, broaden your friendships, and lift your lives to a higher pathway as you journey toward perfection. There is a simplicity even a sincerity when 'thank you' is spoken.

A small beginning

Our garden started out a small and humble garden.  We have worked hard and all took part in watering, pulling weeds, and best of all, picking the veggies!  Here is some time progression pics so you can see it in action!

What we planted:
anaheim peppers
banana peppers
sweet banana peppers
bell peppers
cherry tomatoes
petite tomatoes
green beans
various spices and herbs
red cabbage
and brocolli
this was our experiment year, to see what works and what containers work with what seeds.  We figured out what we can, and can't grow.  LOL.  My Black thumb has officially turned green this year, as we have picked many salad veggies and dried MANY herbs ready for other dishes!  Our favorite place on Earth is still the farmers market, where we proceed to spend WAY too much!  LOL!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Birthday Party!

I came to the realization today that it is about time to have that talk with my daughter about being thankful for what people do for you, and give you.  Although today was a very happy day for all of us, she had an issue with a lot of what I was doing.  It started with the fact that she wasn't getting a birthday party this year.  Then went to the fact that I made cupcakes instead of a cake.  After that it was the decorations.  Oh man!!!  I finally sat her down and told her mommy was working very hard to make her day speacial, and that it hurt my feelings that nothing seemed good enough to her.  She apologized, and agreed that everything was nice, and that she was indeed grateful.  WHEEW! 

So,her day went like this, mommy woke her up with a birthday princess song.

She proceeded to the dinning room where she was greeted by the breakfast of her choice:
Mixed berry muffins
 mixed berry smoothie
and strawberries
Then lunch proceed her opening her presents from mommy and daddy, which was :
Spinach, and strawberry salads with grilled chicken on top.
Then Aunt Amanda and Uncle Joe {one of the kids favorite couples}came over with MORE presents. 
Then, we have this tradition that the birthday guy or girl gets to pick the meals for the day {With-in reason}.
So for dinner we had:
Grilled chicken
fresh fruit salad {With strawberries, apples, bananas and grapes}
salt and vinegar potatoes
romaine salad
Do you see the pattern here?  She is by far my healthiest eater!
 Isn't she lovely when she wakes up?  LOL!
 Daddy reading her birthday card from Mommy and daddy!
 "Piggy slippers...  WHAT?  These are my favorite!"  That's what she was saying when she saw them! 
 Her loot from mommy, plus her Barbie backpack that she just couldn't wait to use to start school, so she got that almost a month early.  LOL!
 Uncle joe and Aunt Amanda's gift time!
 These are some of our favorite peoples! 
 The kids LOVE them!  Aunt Amanda reading the card they gave her.
 Time to see what's in this box.
 YAY!!! Tangled and it's a nightgown!  Her favorite!
 Sunglasses, have I mentioned she LOVES accessories!

 Starwberry cupcakes, with mixed berry cream cheese frosting
 Blow 'em out!!!
LOL, I love this girl, and can't believe she is already 6.  Where has the time gone? 

Mommy's facebook message to my princess:
6 years ago today I held my babygirl for the first time. She was everything I expected she would be, and as the emotions flooded in that day, I realized she was everything I hoped she would be and more. I was and am, so in love with this little girl that it isn't funny. She is the funniest, prettiest, little diva there is. :) happy 6th birthday princess Nevaeh. :) — with William Parker

Monday, September 3, 2012

A princess' birthday!

Just turned six!!!
Can you believe it, I am still trying to grasp it.  LOL!
She is one gorgeous little girl, with a personality bigger than Texas!
She has that bigger than life personality and you know it when she walks into a room.
She loves to sing, and dance.  Favorite color is pink!  She loves dresses, or anything that twirls, and SHOES!!!  She can't get enough shoes, and always wants more! 
She LOVES pedicures and manicures.
Her favorite dessert is Strawberry Shortcake!
These are a few of her favorite things!

More back to school!

So, I suppose I didn't only send off the babies this year, but also my three oldest!  Ashley officially starts back on 6 September, but Dade and Nevaeh went back on 16 August!  You would think that after doing this for 4 years already, I wouldn't still be a crying, fool!  YES, I do still get emotional.  I really like having my children home with me, they bring light to my life, and a smile to my face.  I am THAT MOM!  LOL!  But it is OK, I suppose.  It's not a bad thing right?

So here are the pictures from Dade and Nevaeh going back to school!
 {Nevaeh, 1st Grade, August 16, 2012}

 {Dade, 3rd Grade, August 16, 2012}
 They are so funny!
 I love that face Nevaeh is giving!
 Aren't they the cutest kids EVER!  (Ok, maybe this momma is a little proud of them, and a little partial!  But you have to admit, they are pretty darn cute!)
Sorry this one is so bright!  I couldn't even fix it either.  :(  BUt that is Nevaeh's 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Cook.  They have SOOO much in common.  They both LOVE pedicures, LOVE cookies (Especially the chocolate chip variety), and they both LOVE make-up and dresses!  This is going to be a great year for her!  LOL!

The Parker's were MIA!!!

But we're back!!!!

We had a busy summer, and seeing the kids off to school was horrible after spending so much time with them this summer.  But I know (after meeting each teacher and grilling them profusely) that they are truly in the best hands (other than mine) that they can be!  We have truly been blessed with some of the most amazing teachers in my kids life.  The teachers happen to be exactly a perfect fit for each child.  This year I saw two more children off.  Yes, THAT'S RIGHT, my twins went to school this year!  Nobody ever warned me that time would go by so fast, or that I would be so sad to send my babies off to school.  BUt watchign them learn and grow is just plain AMAZING!  They have already started their transformation from babies, to students.  I watched them line up in line, and immediately tears came to my eyes (just as they are doing now as I review the moments in my head to write them down).  I can't believe what big guys they are!  So here are the back to school pics!  Enjoy!

 This is what my craft room table looked like a few days before I had to send FIVE kids to school!
 CIRCLE TIME!!!  YAY!  Mrs. Bademe read The Kissing Hand (My Fav!)

{Gavin}  Doesn't he just look thrilled!  LOL!
 Ashley signing Ty in on the official start of school for them.  This was the half day for them.
 Gavin in line like a good boy!
 Yes they are {IDENTICAL} Twins!!!  LOL!
 Gavin {August 27, 2012} Officially the first day of school.
 Aiden and Ty-Austin, no Aiden is not going YET! 
Ty {August 27, 2012}
Brothers forever!  This is this momma's favorite picture!
{Gavin and Ty-Austin, Pre-K, August 27, 2012}