Have you ever stopped to discover your own worth? I am not talking about what you are worth, as in monetary wise, I am talking about the spiritual riches. Most people already know this, but I am a Mormon. Yes LDS Mormon. I LOVE IT, and wouldn't have it any other way for my family.
The other day I was working on my young womens values in the Personal Progress book. I decided to do it, since I didn't when I was a teen. One of the personal progress values are Individual worth. So as I lay there pondering this the other night, I realize I, LIKE many mothers, do not give myself the credit for half of what I do. To me, it is my job, nothing more. My sister in law bought me this book a few years ago that was titled "Just a mom", I finally sat down and read this book. It is where a young woman finally figured out her individual worth. This again was another AH-HA moment for me, because this book was me all over. I have always been the mom that watched all my friends from highschool go on and graduate from college and get married years after I did, and most of them are just now having babies. When people would describe the things that they have done, I was always like, "Yep, I am just a mom". Recently though, I realize I am FAR more! I am not just a mom. I am:
A wife and best friend to my husband, and a mother to 6 beautiful children, a story book reader, and nurturer, and nurse to the sick, and magical healer! I am taxi to some, and shoufer to others. I am the guardian, and safe keeper. I am the piggy bank for some, and ATM for others! I am so many more things that come with motherhood as well. Yes, I am good at motherhood, I have to say it is my BEST accomplishment. Besides motherhood, I have a ton of talents, to name a few : scrapbooking, cooking, baking, sewing, hair, and organizing (even though you can't tell it by my house right now). I have a love with anything cupcakes, and pinterest. I love reading, although I don't have much time to do so. I serve in the young womens at church as the Young Womens 1st counselor. I am a full time student, and have already accomplished graduating with my Associates in Psychology. I also have one successful business, which I own, and run! I am a devoted Army wife, and I run the FRG (Family Readiness Group) here at West Point for our unit. All the things that I have accomplished, I no longer look at myself and say I am just a mom! Because I know now, that I am FAR more (but being a mom is my favorite)!