Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Potty training!!!

Oh is it true... can it be... My boys are old enough to be potty trained! 

ok so I can stop belly aching right?  LOL!  It really has been a dream, as in ~time goes by and then you wake up one morning and they are old enough to potty train way!  But to be serious, they have been my easiest to potty train!  I started with all three!!!  I know you think it is crazy, but there was reason behind the madness!  Besides, no more diapers!  LOL!  That reasons enough for me! 

Week one went awesome, by the time week two hit, the baby quit trying, so back to diapers he went.  He peed in his bed, on my couch (thanks to him I now have a very clean spot where I scrubbed and scrubbed), on my rug (which went out the door into the trash), and numerous times on my floor.  This mommy had enough!  But the boys continued to do well!  I am happy to say we are week.... I don't know, but its been like a month right?  And we have only had a few accidents.  Now that is prgress!  So I now have two- three year olds that are potty trained, and one- two year old that is partially potty trained!  Man thats awesome!  we are using a third of the diapers!!!  WHOO HOO!  Just in case you wanted to know, this momma is doing the mini celebrationg dance!  LOL!

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