Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Potty training!!!

Oh is it true... can it be... My boys are old enough to be potty trained! 

ok so I can stop belly aching right?  LOL!  It really has been a dream, as in ~time goes by and then you wake up one morning and they are old enough to potty train way!  But to be serious, they have been my easiest to potty train!  I started with all three!!!  I know you think it is crazy, but there was reason behind the madness!  Besides, no more diapers!  LOL!  That reasons enough for me! 

Week one went awesome, by the time week two hit, the baby quit trying, so back to diapers he went.  He peed in his bed, on my couch (thanks to him I now have a very clean spot where I scrubbed and scrubbed), on my rug (which went out the door into the trash), and numerous times on my floor.  This mommy had enough!  But the boys continued to do well!  I am happy to say we are week.... I don't know, but its been like a month right?  And we have only had a few accidents.  Now that is prgress!  So I now have two- three year olds that are potty trained, and one- two year old that is partially potty trained!  Man thats awesome!  we are using a third of the diapers!!!  WHOO HOO!  Just in case you wanted to know, this momma is doing the mini celebrationg dance!  LOL!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

First visits to the Dentist

There are many first that happens in ones life.  Some of these are only memories to us.  I made it my one focus to make sure that I journal all memories!  I made sure to get pictures of my babies having thier first visits to the dentist!  They LOVE the dentist, which is weird for me, because I have such anxiety to the dentist!  But makes this mommy happy! 

I thought this was gonna be a chore taking all four little ones to the dentist all in one sitting, but this dentist office have to be the best EVER!  That isn't any joke either.  They made it super duper easy!  Makes me sad that we finally found a great dentist and now we have to leave.  Here are the pics of my kiddos and the dentist!  Ty and Gavin saw Doctor Chaley, and Aiden and Nevaeh saw Doctor Neiman.  Doctor Neiman is the doctor that the kids call the singing dentist!  LOL!

 Gavin was one cool cat!
 Gavin getting his teeth cleaned!
 Aiden with Doctor Neiman getting his teeth cleaned!
 He looks nervous but he wasn't.  He was mad because he dropped his cow.
 See, all better now!
 Nevaeh was nervous at first and wanted mommy to hold her, but was quickly comforted when Doctor Neiman told her the story of when Cinderella came in to get her teeth cleaned before the ball!  She is a princess, so she loves to hear princess stories!
 Mommy holding the princess

 But to get pictures of her pearly whites, she was a big girl and did so all by herself!  And they only had to get one pic per side!  Can I SAY YEAH!!!  Go Nevaeh!
And the bottom line was NO CAVITIES!!!  This momma is doing the mini tribal!  All that hard work to get them into the teeth brushing and flossing routines paid off!  :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

God Bless the USA

Tonight while on facebook updating things, and reading post, I came across the first of many post that said "Obama dead- WOW"...  then another popped up later, and more and more.  Curious, I turned the TV to the news, and sure enough was a whole thing about it.  A few minutes later our President came on to verify that yes, our armed forces shot and killed Osama, and his body was recovered.  This is a day of relief for many I am sure!  I know I can breathe a breath of fresh air being a military wife.  Will this change anything, maybe, maybe not...  There will still be deployments, and there will stll be war.  But the man that was in charge of many lives lost in the 9 years, 7 months, and 20 days since the attack on the US, is DEAD!  I say this is one happy day for our country!  I walked outside tonight to hear celebration from all around me.  The cadets of West Point Academy could be heard for a mile or more cheering, USA...USA...USA... HOOAAH!