Monday, April 27, 2009

Busy Mommy!

I have been kinda busy! WEll Ok I am always busy, but I have found that I can sew! YAY! It is a borrowed machine (can't wait to get my own), but It is awesome! SO here are a few things I have made, and I have plans for so many more things!

Nevaeh's dress and hair piece!
She has the cutest belly!

Her Skirt and shrug.

Matching burp rags and binky clip! These were made for baby Liam (hence the "L")
I have also made quite a few bags and such, and a pair of shorts for Aiden, but I haven't gotten pics of them! I will and I will post them. I have a few more projects I am working on...
So if anyone has ANY fabric they aren't using send it this way! Also ANY vintage clothes that have neat patterns on them, I would love to have them too! I am talking about old 60's and 70's button up shirts, pants, skirts or dresses- any material, any pattern! I LOVE VINTAGE! So they will go to a good cause! LOL! Anything! Thanks!


Sally-Ann said...

I am so envious! I can manage to sew a straight line and that is about it. When I drag my sewing maching out, my family faints.
Cute photos and cute sewing!

Unknown said...

Thanks! I just wish I had my own! This one is borrowed from a friend.