Sunday, March 20, 2011

Oh, My Oh, My

Dade turned 7 this year!  I am amazed at this big guy.  The first thing out of his mouth on his birthday was not "When is my party", not "can I open presents", instead it was "I get to be baptized in one year".  Do you know how exciting it is when your little guys and little girls accept the spirit and have a relationship with our heavenly father?  It is amazing at this big guys testimony of God and the gospel.  He told Nana (my mother) that he wants her to be baptized with him on his birthday, and my mom gladly accepted.  She has been praying about the gospel and I think has accepted it, and wants to be baptized!  THAT IS PURE AMAZING!  Dade is already my little missionary!  No doubt that he will make a great missionary one day! 
So on to the his birthday party!  He really wanted Batman theme.  So we went with what he really wanted.  Mommy made it happen and of course as always Daddy just payed!  LOL!  Here are the pics!
The Batcave cake mommy made


We had a great time, and almost all of Dade's best friends came.  We were missing two!  :(  Next time I guess!  LOL! 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Twins are THREE!!!

When you have kids, you plan on them making certain milestones.  But do they have to come so quickly? Three years ago, I gave birth to a 2 pound 7 ounce baby Ty-Austin and a 3 pound 4 ounce Gavin.  After the doctors scared the heck out of me, by telling me how dangerous it would be for my babies to make it in the world being 10 weeks preemie, and so small, they decided it was time.  I guess babies really do decide when it is thier time to come.  Now I could go on and on about the highs and the lows that followed thier birth, but I will get back to the real reason of this post....  Thier third birthday!

We decided to go with the curious George goes to the Circus theme.  After all the curcious George is their favorite set of books!  Mommy invited thier friends, planned the party, made the cake, cleaned and decorated for the party.  I do believe they enjoyed it! 
The party favors, and the cake that mommy made!

the birthday boys and Aiden! L-R: Ty, Aiden, & Gavin

Ty-austin, Happy third birthday buddy!!!

Gavin, Happy third birthday baby!

Sissy and Kiya

Uncle Jasonand Tiff got to come too!  :)

they balloons!!!  YAY!

the oldest, Ashley

Austin!!  He was eatting cake!

Time to blow out the candles!!  Make a wish!

Opening presents

It was alot of fun to visit with family and friends, and to have those who we love the most around us to celebrate our babies third birthday!  Happy Birthday little guys!