Saturday, May 25, 2013

Natural beauty

I absolutely love when I come across little tidbits! Especially the ones of the natural variety!

People always tell me I look 16, well, I am 30 going on 31 in August.  I can attribute this beautiful skin to a very natural skin care regimen! Here is a just a few I have ran into!

Monday, April 22, 2013

In the world today....

We have ugliness, and evil...
                          we have unfairness, and unjustice...
                                          and we have prejustice, and war!

But in MY little world, I have peace, love, and happiness.
                          There are 14 eyes of blues and browns,
                                           There are 70 little and big toes to bury in the sand
                                                         14 ears to listen to wise words from mommy,
                                                                      and seven little and big hearts that I love dearly!

All this is held closely in my heart, as I try to pretect them from our evil unjustified world around us!
I couldn't imgine life without these seven in it, they bring such happiness to my life, such peace to my days, and such joy to my soul!  Everyday I watch them live and grow, I stand amazed!

This is my family, my loves, my universe!  This is where my world is!